Grass makes up the largest proportion of your lawn's surface area, and as a result, its health plays a direct role in the curb appeal of your property and the overall appearance of your entire landscaping design. There are three main types of grass that you can choose from: seeding, which involves planting individual grass seeds, sodding, which involves placing down mats of dirt that have grass already grown in them, and turf, which is plastic or synthetic grass that mimics the appearance of real grass. Understanding the differences between the three main types of grass can help you determine the one that best fits your landscaping needs.
Seeded Grass
Grass that is grown directly from seeds tends to be the most durable and hardy type of grass for your yard since the roots have the chance to set up deep within the soil of your property. They also are the most affordable option, since grass seed can be bought in bulk at a very low price point.
However, seeded grass takes a great deal of care and watering to turn into a fully-fledged long, which represents a large time commitment. Furthermore, the time it takes for a seeded grass long to take root means that your yard will be barren for a while.
Sod is pre-grown grass that is laid down in large squares of dirt on top of your yard, allowing you to quickly get a fully-grown lawn in place in a single day. This reduces the amount of maintenance that you have to do to achieve a lush green lawn and also eliminates the time commitment associated with seed grown grass.
However, sod does represent a higher initial cost than seeded grass does, since sod takes much more effort to produce than grass seed. Sod also carries the risk of complications as the root network adapts to the new environment, including shrinking coverage and brown patches if roots fail to take hold.
Synthetic Turf
Synthetic turf is artificial grass which seeks to remove the risk associated with both seeded and sodded grass. Since it requires no maintenance or watering, there is no chance turf will ever go brown or die, and since it can be installed in a matter of hours, ensures that your lawn looks lush immediately and forever.
However, turf is the most expensive of the three options, which means it isn't ideal for landscapes that have to consider tight budgets. Further, turf stays green all year, which can look very odd in colder climates if snow is on the ground. Finally, turf can also cause rug burn if fallen on, which is a serious consideration for homeowners with small children and pets.