When planning their landscape design, most people focus on the selection of plants, where to put people, and what the colors will look like. But there are a few underlying science and design concepts that will make any design you choose look even better once you understand them. Here are 3 such concepts.
The Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio is a long-understood mathematical formula for creating a solid construction for things like pyramids and ancient buildings. The reason it's "golden" is that it not only adds solidity and makes the resulting structures stronger, but it also makes them look more pleasing to the eye.
The Golden Rectangle is related to this idea, and it means that the ratio of the short side to the long side should equal the ratio of the long side to the sum of both sides. If this is a little too much math, think of it as a ratio of 1 to 1.6 for the lengths of your rectangular sides. Apply this rule when planning garden beds and hardscaping for a more cohesive look.
The Regulating Line
The idea of a line that "regulates" the visuals of a landscape comes from painting and architecture. Look for one element of your overall landscape design that can serve as a base point from which to create a line that extends outward. In yards, for example, it's often a walkway, the entry door from the house, or a driveway. This line helps to provide a starting point you can work out from and a way to keep things visually balanced. It creates symmetry, harmony, and rhythm in the design.
Repetition is something you see all the time in architecture, but it often goes unnoticed. Repetition can come in many forms, including physical repetition (such as three dormer windows in a line) or pattern repetition (think about the gingerbread work on a Victorian house). It may also mean motif repetition, color repetition, or matching accents. Repetition is visually pleasing and helps things make a larger impact on the senses.
Repetition is a great addition to your landscape, too. Plant large groups of the same blooms, the same color schemes, or the same family of flower. Use a line of similar trees along the fence. Match the hardscape materials to the house, and then extend those materials out to the walkway and garden beds. Use similar shapes for different yard elements, or create symmetry by repeating patterns on each side of your regulating line. The possibilities are endless.
Ready to start putting these proven concepts to work in your own yard? Contact a professional landscaping design service in your area today.
For more information, reach out to companies like Estate Landscape.