If you love spending time outdoors on your patio, you may wish you had a patio cover or awning so you could be outside in the afternoon when the sun is hot. However, you may not want shade all the time. A good solution is to have a louvered pergola installed. Here's how louvered pergolas work and why they're better than a patio cover or awning.
How Louvered Pergolas Work
A louvered pergola has a roof made of louvers, and these work in the same way as your louvered blinds work. The louvers can be open, closed, or set at various angles to control the sun. The louvers can be moved with a wall switch or remote so you can adjust them to the perfect position every time you go outside.
Pergolas are sturdy structures on posts that are permanent installations. Even with a louvered roof, it's possible to install lighting or ceiling fans on the roof by splitting the louvers with a solid beam across the top.
Also, since the structure is on posts, it's possible to add screen shades to the sides for even more sun control and to convert the pergola to a screen room.
However, when sun control is your main goal, all you need is a basic pergola with a louvered roof and you can enjoy your patio any time of day, even if it's raining.
Why A Louvered Pergola Is Better Than A Solid Cover
The main advantage of a louvered roof is that it can be adjusted any time you want by pushing a button. You can have complete shade or full sun when you want it. You can also block rain or slant the louvers as the sun moves across the sky.
With a cover, you have to settle for constant shade, which can be dreary in the cooler months and even cause algae and mildew to grow on your patio and furniture.
Why A Louvered Pergola Is Better Than An Awning
Patio awnings can be retracted or taken down when you want to enjoy the sun, but awnings provide either full shade or full sun. If you want the ability to have partial shade, you need a louvered roof.
Plus, a permanent pergola is a more attractive addition to your property than a metal or fabric awning that attaches to the side of your house.
You have choices when it's time to select your pergola. You can choose the color, material, and size so the pergola fits over your entire patio or just covers part of it. A pergola adds to the beauty of your property while providing you with just the right amount of sun and rain protection that you want every time you step outdoors to enjoy the breeze and view.
For more information, contact a louvered pergola builder.