If you want to add hardscaping to your property, there are many options for the types of materials you can use. Masonry materials give you a lot of advantages for the design of your landscaping. These can be various stone or brick features that blend into the natural surroundings and architecture. The following masonry features are some of the hardscaping you may want to add to landscaping:
Paths with a Mixture of Brick and Stone
The paths for your landscaping are often made of one type of pavers. These may be brick or stone materials. Rather than just using one type of material, they can be blended together to give paths and other features a unique design. The installation of brick can also be interrupted with synthetic stone elements. This can make the paths and other hardscaping look like it was built around natural features.
Outdoor Seating Integrated Into Retaining Walls
The outdoor living space for your home may also need seating features. Often, there are features like retaining walls in your landscaping that can be improved. The retaining walls can be designed with integrated seating to add to your outdoor living space. These seating features can also be completed with outdoor sofa cushions to make this space feel more like home.
Curbing Features with Brick and Stone Materials
You can also add curbing to your landscaping design. The curbs can be added to more than just around your driveway, too. The areas where you may want to install curbing include flower beds and around paths in your landscaping. The curbing can also be used for other drainage features you want or need to add to your landscaping. Your curbing can be cut from natural stone, or it can be specially formed brick that is designed for landscaping curb systems.
Stone and Brick Stair Cases Integrated Into Retaining Walls
The staircases in your landscaping are another area where you want to consider the materials that are used. These stairs can also be integrated into retaining walls and other hardscaping features. This is one of the best places to add a custom design to your landscaping with stairs and unique masonry. The staircases are also another area where you may want to combine the use of brick and stone materials for a unique custom design.
The addition of masonry hardscaping will help unit the outdoor spaces with the design of your home. Contact a brick work service to discuss these options to add masonry to your landscaping design.